Bookseller Catalogs


By Oak Knoll Books

CATALOGUE 305 Books About Books and Bibliography

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Catalogue 142: World’s Fairs & International Expositions

By Marc Selvaggio, Books & Ephemera

Catalogue 142: World’s Fairs & International Expositions Catalogue 142, devoted exclusively to Worlds’ Fairs and International Exposition.  This catalogue consists of 590 books, pamphlets, brochures, catalogues, broadsides and other printed matter—issued by exhibiting countries as well as from commercial exhibitors—covering the topic from 1851 (London) to 1970 (Osaka).  Besides examples from major and minor Worlds’ Fairs held in America—for example, the Chicago Fairs of 1893 (Columbian Exposition) and 1933-34 (Century of Progress), the San Francisco Fairs (1915 Panama-Pacific, 1939-40 Golden Gate International), and of course the New York Fair of 1939-40—the catalogue includes hundreds of print items from European expositions, especially the various Parisian expositions (1889, 1900, 1925, 1931, 1937) and the Barcelona Exposition of 1929.   Numerous items from minor worlds’ fairs as well.  The catalogue is available in electronic (low resolution pdf) format, with over 100 illustrations, many in living color. A small number of paper copies are available at $10, ppd; institutions gratis.

How to request a print version: Small number of paper copies available upon request and availability.

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